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By: A. Pakwan, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Professor, Rush Medical College

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Surface anatomy the anterior abdominal wall can be divided into four quadrants by lines passing horizontally and vertically through the umbilicus erectile dysfunction gene therapy buy generic levitra professional pills. In the upper abdomen is the epigastrium erectile dysfunction pills generic cheap 20 mg levitra professional amex, which is the area just inferior to the xiphisternum, and in the lower abdomen lie the right and left iliac fossae and the hypogastrium. The cutaneous nerve supply of the anterior abdominal wall arises from the anterior rami of the lower thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. The dermatomes of significant structures on the anterior abdominal wall are T7 (xiphisternum), T10 (umbilicus) and L1 (symphysis pubis). The blood supply is via the superior epigastric (branch of the internal thoracic artery) and the inferior epigastric (branch of the external iliac artery) vessels. During laparoscopy, the inferior epigastric vessels can be seen between the peritoneum and rectus muscle on the anterior abdominal wall and commence their journey superiorly from approximately twothirds of the way along the inguinal ligament closer to the symphysis pubis. Care needs to be taken to avoid them while using accessory trocars during laparoscopy and to ensure that they are identified when making a Maylard incision of the abdominal wall. Pyramidalis muscle is present in almost all women, originating on the anterior surface of the pubis and inserting into the linea alba. The exact configuration of the muscles encountered by the surgeon depends on exactly where any incision is made. The umbilicus the umbilicus is essentially a scar made from the remnants of the umbilical cord. It is situated in the linea alba and in a variable position depending on the obesity of the patient. However, the base of the umbilicus is always the thinnest part of the anterior abdominal wall and is the commonest site of insertion of the primary port in laparoscopy. The urachus is the remains of the allantois from the fetus and runs from the apex of the bladder to the umbilicus. In early embryological life, the vitelline duct also runs through the umbilicus from the developing midgut. The common iliac veins combine to form the inferior vena cava just below this and all these structures are a potential hazard for the laparoscopist inserting ports at the umbilicus. The anterior abdominal wall Beneath the skin and the fat of the superficial anterior abdominal wall lies a sheath and combination of muscles including the rectus abdominis, external and internal Epithelium of the genital tract the anterior abdominal wall including the vulva, vagina and perineal areas are lined with squamous epithelium. Superficial fascia Tendinous intersections External oblique aponeurosis Anterior layer of internal oblique aponeurosis Posterior layer of internal oblique aponeurosis Transversus aponeurosis Fascia transversalis the genital tract, from the vagina, through the uterus and out through the fallopian tubes into the peritoneal cavity, is an open passage. This is an essential route for sperm to traverse in the process of fertilization but unfortunately it also allows the transport of pathological organisms that may result in ascending infection. The peritoneum the peritoneum is a thin serous membrane that lines the inside of the pelvic and abdominal cavities. In simplistic terms, it is probably best to imagine the pelvis containing the bladder, uterus and rectum. This complete layer is then pierced by both the fallopian tubes and the ovaries on each side. Posteriorly the rectum also pierces the peritoneum where it connects to the sigmoid colon, and the area between the posterior surface of the uterus and its supporting ligaments and the rectum is called the pouch of Douglas. This particular area is important in gynaecology as the place where gravitydependent fluid collects. As a result this is where blood is found in ectopic pregnancies, pus in infections and endometriosis caused by retrograde menstruation. The bladder is lined by transitional epithelium that becomes columnar as it lines the urethra. The anal margin is still squamous epithelium but this changes to columnar immediately inside the anus and into the rectum. Vulva the vulva is the area of the perineum comprising the mons pubis, labia majora and minora, and the opening into both the vagina and urethra. The labia majora are areas of skin with underlying fat pads which bound the vagina. Medial to these are the labia minora, which consist of vascular tissue that engorges with blood during sexual Clinical Anatomy of the Pelvis and Reproductive Tract 479. The right and left crura become the corpora cavernosa and are covered by the ischiocavernosus muscles. A plane drawn between the sacral promontory and the superior aspect of the symphysis pubis marks the pelvic inlet and a similar plane drawn from the tip of S5 to the inferior aspect of the symphysis pubis marks the pelvic outlet.

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A post prospective control study on the effect of intramural fibroids on the outcome of assisted conception erectile dysfunction quotes cheap levitra professional american express. Ovarian response to gonadotropins after laparoscopic salpingectomy or the division of fallopian tubes for hydrosalpinges erectile dysfunction drugs in canada purchase levitra professional in india. Timed intercourse versus intrauterine insemination with or without ovarian hyperstimulation for subfertility in men. Cleavage stage versus blastocyst stage embryo transfer 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 in assisted conception. Number of embryos for transfer following invitro fertilisation or intracytoplasmic sperm injection. A review of complications following transvaginal oocyte retrieval for invitro fertilization. It is thus more than the presence of endometrial glands and stroma outside the uterus, the experience of pelvic pain or infertility by women with the disease being the important defining features. It is preferable to take a patientcentred approach to endometriosis, with a focus on patientcentred outcomes, rather than the lesionbased approach that has been the hallmark of much clinical research in recent decades. Endometriosis affects approximately 176 million women of reproductive age worldwide [2]. While its underlying cause is uncertain, it is likely to be multifactorial including genetic factors with epigenetic influences, and perhaps promoted through environmental exposures [3]. Endometriosis has elements of a pain syndrome with central neurological sensitization [4], and is a proliferative, oestrogendependent disorder with growing evidence of progesterone resistance [4]. There is overlap with other conditions characterized by pelvic/abdominal pain and infertility. Some symptomatic women with pelvic pain who do not have diagnosed endometriosis may benefit from similar treatments. Menstrual material containing viable cells is transported into the peritoneal cavity in a retrograde direction along the fallopian tubes and the refluxed endometrium then implants onto the surface of exposed tissues, principally the peritoneum. Hence the theory of coelomic metaplasia, the pluripotential of coelomic epithelium to develop not only into the more appropriate normal tissue but also, through a programming defect, into endometriotic tissue. Furthermore, despite the ubiquitous occurrence of retrograde menstruation, which gynaecologists often view at the time of laparoscopy during menses, endometriosis occurs only in a minority of women, and this is explained by the third theory, the contribution of immunologic surveillance defects (which also explains the association of endometriosis with other autoimmune diseases). The expression of factors such as cell adhesion molecules, proteolytic enzymes and cytokines affecting the adherence, implantation and proliferation of tissue within the peritoneal cavity may differ between women, as may clearance of endometrial cells from the pelvis, and altered systemic humoral immunity (altered Bcell function and antibody production) has also been implicated. It is unclear whether such abnormalities are truly a cause or a result of the disease. Risk factors include age, increased peripheral body fat and greater exposure to menstruation (short cycles, long duration of menses and reduced parity), whereas smoking, exercise and oral contraceptive use (current and recent) may be protective [6]. However, there is no evidence that the natural history of the disease can be influenced by controlling these factors. There is clear genetic predisposition: endometriosis is six to nine times more common in the firstdegree relatives of affected women than in controls; and in an analysis of more than 3000 Australian twin pairs, over 50% of the variance of the latent liability to the disease was attributable to additive genetic influences [7]. Endometriosis is inherited as a complex genetic trait, similar to diabetes or asthma, meaning that a number of genes interact to confer disease susceptibility, but the phenotype probably only emerges in the presence of environmental risk factors. One of the most appealing environmental exposure theories, that the environmental pollutant dioxin might be an underlying cause of the disease [9], was ultimately difficult to confirm. Reported rates of endometriosis have long been recognized to be highly variable in different populations of women (Summary box 53. Natural history of endometriosis and associated comorbidities Whilst endometriosis occurs most commonly in the reproductive years, it should also be considered in adolescents with suggestive symptoms; in fact most women with endometriosis date the onset of symptoms to their teens [15]. Women with endometriosis appear to have a higher risk of obstetric complications, including preterm delivery, antepartum haemorrhage, preeclampsia and need for caesarean section, with rare occurrences of intraabdominal bleeding from endometriotic lesions requiring urgent surgery [1].