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By: X. Musan, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.
Medical Instructor, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Pituitary tumors that will ultimately become carcinomas can follow different courses; they can be aggressive and unresponsive to treatment from their initial diagnosis bacteria 3d model generic ivermectin 3 mg, progressing rapidly to carcinoma bacteria 4 billion years ago purchase 3mg ivermectin otc, or they can remain stable, responsive to standard therapy and progress to carcinomas after a long period. Temozolomide can be used as the firstline chemotherapeutic treatment in pituitary carcinomas with documented progressive disease due to its reported effectiveness (Raverot et al. Pituitary Lymphoma Primary pituitary lymphoma defined as isolated involvement of the pituitary gland without evidence of systemic disease is extremely uncommon and can be found either in immunocompetent or in immunocompromised patients. The clinical manifestations are those of expanding intracranial masses with headache, diplopia, visual field defects, and cranial nerve deficits; hypopituitarism is also a common finding (Giustina et al. In addition, fever has been described in a small proportion of patients (Liu et al. After the final diagnosis, which is established histologically, a differential diagnosis between primary and secondary intracranial pituitary lymphoma should be performed. Metastases Although many kinds of malignancies can metastasize to the pituitary, breast, and lung cancers are the most common, followed by prostate and renal cancer (He et al. Pituitary metastases occur mostly in patients with systemic dissemination but they can also be the first manifestation of an occult primary tumor or the only evident metastatic lesion (Komninos et al. In symptomatic cases, the most common presenting manifestations are similar to those of pituitary macroadenomas, including headaches, visual field deficits, cranial nerve palsies, and anterior pituitary dysfunction but with higher prevalence (Al-Aridi et al. Diabetes insipidus, however, which is absent in patients with pituitary adenomas, is a frequent finding in pituitary metastatic disease, given that the posterior pituitary is a preferred site for bloodborne metastatic spread due to its direct arterial supply from the hypophyseal arteries. Imaging is not very helpful in the differential diagnosis of metastases from other pituitary masses, although some findings can be useful, including a dumbbell-shaped tumor (due to indentation by the diaphragma sella), invasion of the infundibular and bony erosion (He et al. Although the diagnosis is ultimately confirmed by pathology, the possibility of pituitary metastasis is high in patients with a rapidly increasing sellar mass, sudden onset of diabetes insipidus and quick development of mass effect symptoms, especially in patients with a history of malignancy. Clinical Features, Diagnosis, and Management of Nonfunctioning Tumors of Pituitary 277 Treatment depends on the symptoms and the extent of systemic disease, as well as on the prognosis of the patient. In patients with metastatic mass effects causing visual impairment and diplopia or ophthalmoplegia, transsphenoidal surgery combined with postoperative radiotherapy may provide symptomatic relief and local disease control (Burkhardt et al. However, resection of the pituitary metastases can be difficult due to their invasive, infiltrative, and vascular nature. Gliomas and Pituicytomas Gliomas in the sellar, parasellar, and suprasellar region may arise from the hypothalamus, the optic chiasm, nerve or tract, the brainstem, and the neurohypophysis or the pituitary stalk (pituicytoma). Optic pathway/hypothalamic gliomas are mainly diagnosed during childhood, with a significant proportion found in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1, and the majority is low-grade malignant tumors (Goodden et al. On the other hand, pituicytomas are very rare intrasellar or suprasellar lowgrade gliomas (about 100 cases in the literature) that originate from the neurohypophysis or infundibulum in adults (Wang et al. Finally, brainstem gliomas, which generally affect young adults, can extend to the parasellar region (Hu et al. The clinical manifestations of gliomas depend on their location and they are the results of local tumor effects. The presenting features of pituicytomas include headaches, visual impairment, anterior pituitary hormone deficits, diabetes insipidus, and mild hyperprolactinemia due to pituitary stalk effect (El Hussein and Vincentelli, 2017). Patients with hypothalamic-optochiasmatic tumors can present with all the aforementioned manifestations, as well as hypothalamic dysfunction, obstructive hydrocephalus, and other signs of increased intracranial pressure (headaches, papilledema). Precocious puberty and diencephalic syndrome can also be found in children (Binning et al. Larger tumors can be heterogeneous with both cystic and solid components, with the solid component showing a significant contrast enhancement. Complete tumor resection is the mainstay of treatment for symptomatic pituicytomas, although not possible most of the times due to their potential for infiltration and their high vascularization which can lead to extensive bleeding during the surgery limiting the extent of removal (Pirayesh Islamian et al. Gangliocytomas Gangliocytomas are well-differentiated slow-growing neuroepithelial tumors composed by mature neurons that are very rarely discovered in the sellar region. The clinical presentation of gangliocytomas depends on their secreting activity and includes symptoms and signs due to pituitary hormone hypersecretion and/or local mass effects. Imaging reveals a sellar tumor that can extend to the suprasellar region or infiltrate the cavernous and sphenoid sinuses. Treatment is surgical and consists of the safe resection of the gangliocytoma, mainly via the transsphenoidal route. They are purely suprasellar or intrasuprasellar lesions that can be asymptomatic and be discovered incidentally or present with visual impairment and headaches.
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The outcome of surgery in 668 patients with acromegaly using current criteria of biochemical "cure" ebv past infection cheap 3 mg ivermectin visa. Results of surgical and somatostatin analog therapies and their combination in acromegaly: A retrospective analysis of the German Acromegaly Register antibiotics guidelines ivermectin 3mg mastercard. Gross total resection or debulking of pituitary adenomas improves hormonal control of acromegaly by somatostatin analogs. Place of preoperative treatment of acromegaly with somatostatin analog on surgical outcome: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical factors involved in the recurrence of pituitary adenomas after surgical remission: A structured review and metaanalysis. Preliminary data on biochemical remission of acromegaly after somatostatin analogs withdrawal. Percent reduction of growth hormone levels correlates closely with percent resected tumor volume in acromegaly. Effect of presurgical long-acting octreotide treatment in acromegaly patients with invasive pituitary macroadenomas: A prospective randomized study. Medical therapy in patients with acromegaly: Predictors of response and comparison of efficacy of dopamine agonists and somatostatin analogues. Efficacy of combined octreotide and cabergoline treatment in patients with acromegaly: A retrospective clinical study and review of the literature. Long-term mortality after transsphenoidal surgery and adjunctive therapy for acromegaly. Oral octreotide absorption in human subjects: Comparable pharmacokinetics to parenteral octreotide and effective growth hormone suppression. Although, the low prevalence of the syndrome and its variable clinical and laboratory features have slowed down the progress in understanding pathophysiology and in developing treatments for this rare endocrine disorder, in recent times progresses have been made in this field (Pivonello et al. Finally, currently available therapeutic approaches, including surgery, radiotherapy and medical therapy, are illustrated. Rosario Pivonello, Maria Cristina De Martino, Davide Iacuaniello, Chiara Simeoli, and Annamaria Colao extensively modified and updated the text and references. The majority of corticotroph pituitary tumors are microadenomas (maximal diameter o10 mm), whereas macroadenomas (maximal diameter 410 mm) are less frequent (about 10%) (Pivonello et al. Recently, progress has been made in understanding the genetic background of corticotroph pituitary tumors although the pathogenesis of these tumors still need to be better addressed (Lacroix et al. Pituitary corticotroph tumors derive from the clonal expansion of a single cell manifesting adaptive advantages acquired through one or few mutations and are generally sporadic; rarely pituitary corticotroph tumors are caused by germline gene alterations and arise in the context of familial syndromes (Lacroix et al. Particularly, in adrenal tumors, hypercortisolism can be associated with hyperandrogenism because of a possible autonomous androgen production by the tumor (Lacroix et al. Cortisol regulates several physiological functions including glucose, lipid and protein metabolism, blood pressure, calcium and electrolyte balance, coagulation, immune, endocrine and reproductive functions, mood and cognition. Despite several tests have been extensively used, none of them has been proven to be fully able to distinguish the affected patients from the non-affected subjects (Nieman et al. The sensitivity and specificity of this test range from 92% to 100% and from 93% to 100%, respectively, with a variability attributed to the different assays used (Nieman et al. Normal validated ranges are assay-dependent, requiring local laboratory validations (Nieman et al. Lastly, although the influence of gender, age, and coexisting medical conditions has not been fully characterized, men aged 60 years or older, diabetic and hypertensive subjects seem to have a high percentage of false positive results (Nieman et al. False positive and negative results might occur in the conditions reported above for Nugent test. These procedures require an appropriate expertise in the execution and interpretation, therefore they should be performed in specialized endocrine centers. Samples have to be preserved at cool temperature prior to be rapidly processed (Arnaldi et al.

Menopause involves the great diminution of ovarian steroid and inhibin output antibiotics kidney infection buy ivermectin with visa, probably owing to insufficient number of gonadotropin-responsive follicles bacteria del estomago helicobacter pylori buy ivermectin online pills. Menopause may be accompanied by thinning of the vagina, vasomotor instability (hot flashes), sleep disturbances, personality changes, osteoporosis, and an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Some men experience a decrease in androgen production (an incomplete andropause), along with symptoms such as low libido and erectile dysfunction. Compare the adult male and adult female reproductive systems in terms of onset and progression of meiosis. Explain why Wolffian duct derivatives develop in embryos with Kallmann syndrome type 1. Why do women become infertile at menopause, whereas men may remain fertile into their ninth decade Describe the organization of the male gonad, the testis, and the process of spermatogenesis, and discuss how this process is supported by Sertoli cells. Describe the steroidogenic pathway of Leydig cells that produces testosterone, the peripheral conversion of testosterone to estradiol-17 or dihydrotestosterone, and the actions of these steroids in men. Explain the regulation of testicular function by the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis. Describe the role of the proximal male reproductive tract, especially the epididymis, in the further development of sperm. Explain the more distal segments of the male reproductive tract, including the accessory sex glands, in the context of emission and ejaculation. Explain the following pathologic conditions of the male reproductive system: Klinefelter syndrome and androgen insensitivity that is coupled to testicular feminization. Failure of the testes to descend through the inguinal canal into the scrotum during development results in depressed spermatogenesis and an increased risk of testicular cancer. The human testis is covered by a connective tissue capsule and is divided into about 300 lobules by fibrous septa. Once in the epididymis, the sperm pass from the head, to the body, to the tail of the epididymis and then to the vas (ductus) deferens. Spermatozoa are stored in the tail of the epididymis and the vas deferens for several months as viable sperm. Note that the association of sperm cells differs in two adjacent tubules as a result of the difference in their stage of the spermatogenic cycle. The acrosomal vesicle contains hydrolytic enzymes transported to it from the Golgi. These enzymes will play an important role in fertilization and the prevention of polyspermy (see Chapter 11). The acrosomal vesicle attaches to the forward pole of the nucleus and descends along the side of the nucleus so that it partially covers the nucleus. The proximal centriole attaches to the nucleus, and the distal centriole will generate a "9 + 2" configuration of microtubules that is called the axoneme. The tail has a continuous axonemal core but is composed of structurally distinct regions called the middle piece, principal piece, and end piece. The principal piece and the end piece lack the mitochondrial sheath, and the end piece lacks the outer dense fibers. A cohort of adjacent spermatogonia enters the process every 16 days, so the process is staggered along the length of a seminiferous tubule. Consequently, spermatogonia do not enter the process of spermatogenesis at the same time along the entire length of the tubule, or in synchrony with every other tubule (there are about 500 seminiferous tubules per testis).
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